
Colours of the Anangu Lands


Seven Sisters // 2020


Sylvia Kanytjupai Ken, born in 1965 in the Amata community of South Australia, is a prominent Aboriginal Australian artist whose work has captivated audiences worldwide. Growing up in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara lands, Ken was deeply influenced by her cultural heritage and the rich storytelling traditions of her community.

Her journey into the art world began after completing her schooling in Amata, where she initially explored batik printed on silk before transitioning to painting. The vibrant landscapes and cultural narratives of her homeland have profoundly shaped her artistic vision, providing a foundation for her unique style that blends traditional stories with contemporary expression.

Seven Sisters // 2010


Ken's art is predominantly centred around Tjukurpa, or Creation stories, which are integral to Aboriginal culture. Since 1999, she has been creating paintings that vividly depict these narratives, capturing the essence of her ancestry and the land. Her work is characterised by its bold use of colour and intricate patterns, which convey the spiritual and cultural significance of the stories she tells.

Ken's paintings are not merely visual representations but are imbued with the sacred knowledge and wisdom passed down through generations. This deep connection to her heritage is evident in her ability to convey complex narratives through her art, making her work both compelling and educational.

Seven Sisters

Seven Sister // 2018


One of Ken's most acclaimed works is her painting Seven Sisters, which won the prestigious Wynne Prize in 2019. This painting is a powerful interpretation of the Seven Sisters creation story, which is a significant narrative in Aboriginal culture. The story involves the Pleiades constellation and its pursuit by Orion, depicted as a male figure named Nyiru.

Ken's depiction of this story is both vibrant and dynamic, capturing the movement and emotion of the sisters as they traverse the night sky to escape Nyiru's pursuit. Her innovative use of colour and form in this painting has been praised for its ability to convey the story's depth and complexity, further establishing her as a leading figure in contemporary Aboriginal art.

Seven Sisters // 2011


Ken's work has been widely exhibited both nationally and internationally, showcasing her ability to transcend cultural boundaries through her art. She has been a repeat finalist in the Telstra National Indigenous Art Award and has exhibited in renowned galleries such as the Olsen Gallery in Sydney and the Jan Murphy Gallery.

Her paintings have been featured in significant collections, including the Art Gallery of New South Wales and the Queensland Art Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA) in Brisbane. Ken's exhibitions have not only highlighted her artistic talent but have also brought greater awareness to the cultural narratives of Aboriginal Australia, contributing to a broader understanding and appreciation of Indigenous art.

Seven Sisters // 2010


Sylvia Ken's impact on the art world is profound, as she has successfully brought Aboriginal stories and perspectives to a global audience. Her work challenges conventional narratives and invites viewers to engage with the cultural and spiritual dimensions of her art. By doing so, she has played a crucial role in elevating the status of Aboriginal art within the contemporary art scene.

Ken's paintings are celebrated for their ability to communicate the richness of her heritage while also addressing universal themes of identity, connection, and resilience. Her influence extends beyond her artwork, as she continues to inspire a new generation of artists to explore and express their cultural identities through creative mediums.

Seven Sisters // 2021

Seven Sisters // 2019


As an artist, Sylvia Ken has established a legacy that will endure for generations. Her commitment to preserving and sharing her cultural heritage through art has not only enriched the art world but has also strengthened the cultural fabric of her community. Looking to the future, Ken remains dedicated to exploring new artistic avenues while staying true to her roots.

Her innovative approach and unwavering passion for storytelling ensure that her work will continue to resonate with audiences around the world. As she continues to create and inspire, Sylvia Ken's art will remain a testament to the enduring power of cultural expression and the importance of preserving Indigenous narratives for future generations.